multiplayer ps3 games 2012

multiplayer ps3 games 2012
PS3 multiplayer game - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3.Multiplayer only please I want to play with or against humans not bots ; ). No cod games please any other shooter will do,platform etc.. Need for speed most wanted 2012 because in my opinion I have made far more online.
that games on 360 lol..i have ps3..dur. --- Bucs Record:4-12. PSN: Bucs55Brooks . L0Z Posted 6/25/2012 7:26:03 PM. tc wants multiplayer in a.
Any Co-Op or Multiplayer game suggestion would be fantastic! Thanks in advance! --- "That's what she said." SDFan18. Posted 7/16/2012.
doesn't make it less valuable than an exclusive multiplayer PS3 game. NE_PatriotsFan. Posted 2/27/2012 4:43:17 PM. chrisat928 posted.
Multiplayer Action Games of PS3 - iOmnitrix.
Good local multiplayer PS3 games? - PlayStation 3 Message Board.
Malek's multiplayer PS3 Games - Capcom Unity.
Best online multiplayer games from the past 4-5 mo. - PlayStation.
2012-01-31 12:43 , edited 2012-01-31 12:44 by Khephren123. last week, at the end of a game before the screen that shows stats came, my game froze.. i have had it freeze bad enough so after reboot ps3 doesn't know what tv i've got!
I just bought a PS3. The only game I own so far is Resistance.I was wondering what your. Are there any multiplayer PS3 games that appeal to you so far? Is there a multiplayer ... Locked thread. Cody13_2012. Level 35.
Aug 16, 2012. Want to get started with multiplayer gaming on the Sony PlayStation 3? Agent Mark Lee is here to show you how to start online gaming on your.
Best Multiplayer Games for PS3? -
What are best online multiplayer games from the past 4-5 months? ‎29-12-2012 12:54 AM - edited ‎29-12-2012 12:54 AM. What are ... PlayStation 3 · Plus.
Every time I want to play a game online I keep getting the &quo.. ‎25-05-2012 07 :37 AM - edited ‎25-05-2012 07:41 AM. btw, you may get lucky and get a answer here, but you should post in the tech or ps3 help part, as i think more people.