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Emoticions and smileys - About | Facebook - Log In.
A list of Facebook Emotions icons and codes, Smileys and Emoticons. Facebook Emotions are great when using Facebook chat and here is a list of Facebook Emoticons, Smilies codes.. Emoticon Smiley - Shark, Shark Emotion, (^^^).
To connect with Smiley Faces are soooo cool

Sitemap - Facebook Smileys.
To connect with Smiley Faces are soooo cool

So it seems like there is a new Facebook chat smiley in town, it's the famous. saying something unexpected, now you can answer them with the woot smiley face .. The was a vicious shark that sent fear to everyone who saw it, this shark was.
. 2012-07-12T08:17:04+00:00 daily 0.6400 http://www.facebooksmileys.com/ facebook-smileys-sharks-are-smileys-too/ 2012-07-12T08:17:04+00:00 daily.
Trying to figure out all of the smiley faces on chat. 1,620 likes. Community. Angel O:) Shark (^^^) Pacman :v. Manga eyes ^_^ Smiling eyes >:o. moustache :3.
Apr 16, 2012. A continually updated list of Facebook smileys, including original Facebook smileys and hundreds of custom ones such as flags and sport.
Facebook logo. â—‹Facebook Emoticons - Smiley Faces for Chat Messagesâ—‹ Smile. Robot Emoticon Code: :|] Chris Putnam Emoticon Code: :putnam: Shark.
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The New Coolest Smiley On Facebook - The Shark Emoticon.Smiley Faces on Facebook - Buzzle.
Trying to figure out all of the smiley faces on chat | Facebook.
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FB emoticons & codes - Timeline | Facebook - Log In.Facebook Adds Emoticons To Comments [Updates] - MakeUseOf.
To connect with Trying to figure out all of the smiley faces on chat, sign up for. Penguin <(")See More .. Everyone add http://www.facebook.com/mjpaley10.
. Face Smirking [[157618067676266]] - Smiley Face xD [[134695813311979]]. Dislike [[51159492540]] - Penguin from Club Penguin [[yahoo]] - Yahoo Icon.
You know, the :-) that turns into a smiley face, the (^^^) that becomes a shark swimming. Hmmm.. actually, Facebook chat is pretty cool because unlike a lot of.
Jan 10, 2012. Facebook emoticons FULL list with IMAGES plus new Facebook emoticons like trollface etc. *With images*. Poker face emoticon - Facebook.
Trying to figure out all of the smiley faces on chat. 1,620 likes. Community. Angel O:) Shark (^^^) Pacman :v. Manga eyes ^_^ Smiling eyes >:o. moustache :3.
Smiley Faces are soooo cool